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Pinterest Analytics Explained: Understanding Successful Content

Do you use Pinterest? Then you’ll want to use one of its most essential tools.

Pinterest Analytics is a logical step to help marketers understand what they’re getting right and where they’re getting wrong.

Many brands and companies actively use Pinterest to promote products and share content. With an audience of 445 million monthly users and 7.5 percent year-over-year growth, there is enormous potential for fresh prospects.

Rather than just telling people about your product/services, Pinterest lets you show what you have to offer.

However, there’s no point in posting content and hoping for the best. That’s where the Pinterest Analytics feature comes in. By using the tool, you can find information about the following:

Content your customers are engaging with the most

What resonates with your audience

What drives traffic to your website

With an understanding of Pinterest Analytics, you can take the guesswork out of posting content and take a more strategic approach to engaging users and attracting more leads.

Ready to learn more about Pinterest Analytics? Awesome! Let’s get started.

How to Access Pinterest Analytics

To access Pinterest Analytics, you need a business account. Just sign up for one or convert an existing account. If you haven’t already, then verify your account.

If you have recently verified, your website won’t see any analytics data for a few days while Pinterest begins collecting that information.

You can see your unique data by clicking on the main menu under your account name and selecting “Analytics” from the list.

To see how your Pins and boards are performing, choose “Overview” for more details, or log in at

Now you have the details you need to track your Pinterest analytics, you just need to know which metrics to track.

Site Metrics

There’s one surefire way to understand what’s working and where improvement is needed. That’s achieved by looking at your data.

By looking at your Pinterest analytics, you can see what type of content drives engagement and which is falling flat. Once equipped with that information, you can optimize your Pinterest strategy for greater success.

Below are some of the Pinterest Analytics to focus on:

Saves: These were once called ‘repins’ and measure when a Pinterest user adds them to a board.

These saves act as an online inspiration board that allows users to curate and organize their favorite pins according to different themes or topics.

Why They’re Important: The idea behind the Pinterest platform is for users to come back and revisit their saved pins time and time again. This means that each save has the potential to drive more traffic over time as users continue to engage with your content.

Saves also give you additional exposure in feeds.

Video views: As the title suggests, this shows how often Pinterest users view your videos. This metric can give you an idea of how well your content is performing and how engaged your audience is.

Why They’re Important: Since video has become such an important part of social media marketing in recent years, tracking video views is essential to staying competitive.

Impressions: This refers to the number of times your Pinterest displayed your Pins on the home feed, search results, or category feed.

Why They’re Important: Understanding Pinterest impressions is crucial for businesses wanting to improve their marketing strategy. By tracking impression data over time, you can identify trends in your content’s performance and adjust accordingly.

Engagement: This Pinterest metric covers the actions users take, which include the number of saves, clicks, carousel card swipes, clicks, shares, etc., that your content generates.

Why They’re Important: The more engagement you get, the more visibility you gain.

Pinterest displays pins with high levels of engagement to more people in its feeds and search results.

Pin clicks: These refer to the number of times someone clicks on a pin, whether it’s an image or video on Pinterest. It’s a way of measuring engagement and interest in your content.

Why They’re Important: The more pin clicks you receive, the higher your chances of driving traffic to your website or blog.

Outbound clicks: Previously known as Link clicks, these refer to the number of times users click on a pin and follow through to your linked website or landing page.

Why They’re Important: A high outbound click rate is essential because it shows that people are interested in your brand and want to learn more. As a result, this can potentially lead to increased website traffic, sales conversions, and overall growth.

Outbound click rate: This metric refers to the number of clicks on your Pin’s destination (e.g., your website), divided by the number of times your Pins are featured on screen. For example, say your pin is viewed 100 times and has ten outbound clicks. This means your click rate is 10%.

Why They’re Important: Monitoring your outbound click rate is important as it represents a percentage figure of which of your pins are driving traffic to your website. It also provides insights into how well your Pinterest campaigns are performing.

Average video play time: Refers to the average time a person spends playing the video and static image cards in your Pin.

Why They’re Important: The metric is an essential tool for marketers who use video content as part of their advertising strategy. Knowing how long users watch a particular video can help you tailor your messaging to keep viewers engaged and increase conversions.

Pin click rate: Here, Pinterest takes the number of clicks from your Pin or ad to content on and off the platform. Pinterest then divides this figure by the number of times your Pins and ads appeared on the screen.

Why They’re Important: A high Pin click rate indicates that your pins resonate with your audience and drive traffic back to your website.

Played to 95%: This shows how often users viewed 95 percent of the length of your video.

Why They’re Important: It shows your audience is highly engaged with your content. They’re sticking around until the near end, which means they’re interested in what you have to say. It could also lead to increased visibility and distribution.

10-second plays: Measures how many times Pinterest users looked at a video for 10 seconds plus.

Why They’re Important: Tracking this metric lets you see how well your audience engages with your video pins. For example, perhaps you used a video as a teaser for a new product or want to create buzz around a service. Monitoring the time viewers spend watching your new content provides valuable insights into your audience’s engagement.

Engagement rate: The total engagements with your Pins divided by the total number of times users saw your Pins. Engagements include saves, Pin clicks, carousel card swipes, and outbound clicks.

Why They’re Important: Tracking engagement rates lets you see which types of content are performing the best and who is engaging with it. Dips or spikes in engagement rates can give you an idea of what your audience wants to see more (or less) of.

Save rate: Pinterest divides your total Pin saves by how many times it displays your Pins on screen.

Why They’re Important: This metric effectively shows how your content strategy works as a whole. Needless to say, a higher percentage is a positive indicator that you are getting things right.

Total audience: How many users see or engage with your Pins.

Why They’re Important: A large and engaged Total audience can increase exposure for your content and drive more traffic to your website or blog. It also shows that people are interested in what you offer and actively engage with your brand.

Total engaged audience: How many users are engaging with your Pins.

Why They’re Important: It shows Pinterest users actively engage with content that resonates with them. This engagement is evident through the number of likes, comments, and shares on each pin.

Monthly total audience: How many users viewed or engaged with your Pins within 30 days.

Why They’re Important: This metric is essential for understanding the reach and engagement of your pins on Pinterest. You can identify trends and adjust your strategy by monitoring this number regularly.

Monthly total engaged audience: How many users engage with your Pins within 30 days.

Why They’re Important: The monthly total engaged audience on Pinterest is a crucial metric that shows how well your content performs on the platform. It measures how many people interact with your Pins by clicking, liking, and commenting.

Monthly views: How often your Pins and Saves appeared on screen within 30 days.

Why They’re Important: As with the total monthly audience, tracking monthly views can be effective if you are tracking metrics, say, for seasonal content.

Closeup: How many times users click or tap on your pin for a zoomed-in look.

Why They’re Important: Monitoring your Closeup rate is an excellent way to measure the effectiveness of your Pins overall. You’ll want to review the percentage of your pins with at least one closeup daily. Days with a high rate of closeups give you an idea of your content’s performance in relation to flash sales or seasonal incentives, for example.

Pinterest Audience Analytics/Traits

One of the most useful Pinterest tools is “Audience Insights.” The data shows your prospects’ interests according to their onsite behavior. For example, they might search for fitness-related or hobby-related Pins and save them.

You can access Audience Insights by logging in and going to your Pinterest Analytics dashboard, then selecting “Insights” from the list.

Here, you get data for:

Your total audience

Your engaged audience

Pinterest total audience

Pinterest engaged audience

One of the most powerful features of Insights is Affinities. This shows you the strength of your audience’s interest in a specific niche rather than the average Pinterest user.

Pinterest Analytics for Video

By using video analytics, you can gain valuable insights into how videos are performing on the platform. For example, you can see metrics such as views, engagement rates, and saves, which can help you determine what types of videos resonate with their audience and then create more of them.

You can track your video analytics by opening up your Pinterest Analytics dashboard. The most important metrics to focus on are engagement, views, conversion and click-through rates, and ROI.

Pinterest Analytics for Trends

Want to know what’s hot and what’s not? The Pinterest Trends feature shows you a historical view of the most searched-for terms globally. Use Trends to discover:

when users started their search for different keywords

popular Pinterest content

what’s trending with your target audience

You need a Pinterest account to access this data. When you’re logged in:

Click the “Analytics” link at the top of the page.

Choose “Trends” from the list.

Pick the region you want information for.

Next, you can hone in on further data, like keywords, select a date range, and compare trends.

Understanding Your Pinterest Analytics at a Glance

The first step in understanding your data is to familiarize yourself with the Pinterest Analytics dashboard. Here, you can find everything from impressions and saves to click-throughs and engagement rates. Take some time to explore each section of the dashboard and understand what metrics are available.

For snapshots of your Pins’ performances, go to the “Analytics overview” to see impressions, total audience, engagements, and engaged audience.

Track Your Most Recent, Most Repinned, and Most Clicked Tabs With Pinstats

Have you ever wondered:

How popular are your pins among users?

Which pins do users engage with the most?

Which pins are less effective?

How can you effectively tailor your Pinterest campaign to reach the appropriate market?

Then wonder no more! You can view these by using Pinstats. This feature lets you see how your Pins perform and how users interact.

This feature is for Pinterest business account users. To use it:

Log in and find “Created” under your profile name.

Click on any Pin to see its stats displayed in the top right-hand corner.

For more metrics, click the “See more stats” option.

With Pinstats, you can also view and respond to engagements, compare data, view Boards where you’ve saved Pins, and more.

How an E-Commerce Business Can Benefit from This Tool?

Let’s say you run a clothing shop; Pinterest could be paramount to growing your brand.

You have boards full of fun fashions and styling tips for your customers. You pin your latest sales and the newest styles, and everything links directly to the sale page for that item. You’ve seen an increase in sales for items you pin to Pinterest, but you’re unsure if there’s a direct correlation. You may have questions like:

Are my efforts on Pinterest driving traffic to my site and boosting sales?

Is there any other product on my site that users are pinning that I should be pinning, too?

Pinterest Analytics lets you answer these questions. You can see:

the pins getting the most engagement

which boards drive the most clicks

trends in your audience’s search

This information allows you to optimize your account to better serve your audience’s needs and preferences.

How Can I Improve Online Sales Using Pinterest Data?

Pinterest’s Most Repinned content tab tells you exactly what content is most popular over a given time, and the Most Clicked content tab shows you which pins drive the most traffic directly to your site.

Both metrics can influence what content is shown on the company website. As a result, marketers can change their sites in real-time to put their most popular content in front of their target market.

This insight into your most popular pins makes measuring interest in particular products or categories easy. This information can be vital when deciding which products to feature in placements, such as on the homepage, display ads, social media updates, newsletters, and custom landing pages.

Unlike Google Analytics, the comments section on Pinterest can give you insight into customer opinion of your visual content. You can listen to what your customers like, don’t like, and wish they could improve.

For example, the global online marketplace Etsy shares new ideas and encourages customer feedback.

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